Project31 August 2020

Connecting Warsaw to the 'highway of freedom'

The A2 ‘highway of freedom’ goes through Poland for 452km and is one of the most important road infrastructure projects in the country and one of our biggest projects in Poland. In this project we delivered high-quality building materials and industry-leading expertise. Together with LH Engineering, our Poland team contributed to both design and operations, importing technology and skills to build safe and durable roads.


Paving the way in Poland to expand the European road network

As part of the European route E30 which connects Europe from Ireland to Russia, the A2 crosses Poland from the border with Germany to the one with Belarus. The highway will be very important for Warsaw, the two million inhabitants capital city that will be linked to the A2 through two junctions which are planned to be completed this year. The 'highway of freedom' will connect Eastern Poland with Warsaw, reducing the travel time and increasing economic activity between the two regions.


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Supplying know-how beyond building materials

We supplied our superior quality building materials and industry-leading know-how to meet the highest requirements for the road paving. Our Poland division provided 45,000 tons of cement and 160,000 m3 of ready-mix concrete. Thanks to the commitment of our teams, the main operations have been completed in 45 working days, or about 20 less time than is required in similar projects. Through LH Engineering, we contributed to both design and implementation of the road junctions around Warsaw, acting as subcontractor to build concrete pavement and to set up mobile plants - flexible solutions that help minimize environmental impact while allowing for faster testing and pouring.

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Focus on sustainability
Focus on innovation