Safe for drivers, reduced impact on wildlife
The A2 ‘highway of freedom’ is one of the most important road infrastructure projects in Poland, and one of our biggest projects in the country. The infrastructure project started in 2001 and is planned to be completed by 2025.
Safe for drivers
For the paving of two junctions that connect Warsaw to the A2 highway, our teams applied a special treatment of the surface that improves road safety. In fact, spraying the surface of fresh concrete with a retarder plays a key role in making roads safer. Twelve to 24hours after site-pouring, when the concrete has reached its early strength, the top layer can be removed with steel brushes to expose the aggregate layer, which provides friction for vehicle traffic.
Reduced impact on wildlife
Around one-fourth of the overall construction cost is dedicated to protecting the forest surrounding the highway, covering drainage systems, roadside planting, sound barriers, and 232 km of fences to ensure the safety of both drivers and animals. To minimize the disruption of the wildlife, passages will allow bats, reptiles and other animals to move safely around the highway.