climate action

At Holcim, we are taking a science-driven approach to becoming a net-zero company. We continue to lead our industry with science-based targets and a clearly defined net-zero roadmap.

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Climate action FAQ


We were among the first companies worldwide to have our 2030 and 2050 CO2 reduction targets validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).

As we continue to lead our industry in sustainability, we have made strong progress toward these targets for 2030, which are in line with the SBTi’s revised 1.5°C framework.

We have set out a clear pathway to net zero. To achieve this, we will reduce our clinker factor, use alternative fuels and raw materials, and increase our use of renewable energy. We will invest in proven technologies that produce positive returns, while also leveraging advanced and game-changing technologies. Our net-zero pathway does not rely on offsets.

What are scope 1, scope 2 and scope 3 emissions?

Emissions are generally categorized into three scopes, distinguishing emissions from a company's own operations and its wider value chain.

Scope 1 emissions are those that are released directly from our operations.

Scope 2 emissions include indirect emissions from the generation of electricity we purchase.

Scope 3 emissions refer to all other indirect emissions from our value chain. 

Read more about how we’re tackling scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions

Our net-zero targets are at the heart of our strategy. Transparency about our climate-related progress and performance is a key aspect of this process.

Our net-zero enablers are setting new standards for emissions reductions within our industry.

Our climate targets

Our SBTi targets aligned with 1.5°C



In 2023, we updated our 2030 climate targets to meet the latest SBTi 1.5°C validation criteria. We also extended our 2050 target coverage to include all 15 categories of Scope 3 emissions.

Overall Net-Zero Target: Holcim commits to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions across the value chain by 2050.

Near-Term Targets: Holcim commits to reduce gross scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 26.2% per ton of cementitious materials by 2030 from a 2018 base year.1 Holcim also commits to reduce gross scope 3 GHG emissions per ton of purchased clinker and cement by 25.1% by 2030 from a 2020 base year. 

Long-Term Targets: Holcim commits to reduce scope 1 and scope 2 GHG emissions 95% per ton of cementitious materials by 2050 from a 2018 base year.

Holcim also commits to reduce absolute scope 3 GHG emissions 90% by 2050 from a 2020 base year.2 

1The target boundary includes land related emissions and removals from bioenergy feedstocks. 
2The target boundary includes 95% of Scope 1 and 2 emissions and 90% of Scope 3 emissions, per SBTi standard.

“Taking a rigorous science-based approach, we are focused on delivering against our net-zero 1.5°C-aligned targets, while continuing to further our reporting transparency.”

NOLLAIG FORREST | Chief Sustainability Officer

Memberships and recognitions

Our memberships and recognitions underscore our commitment to becoming a net-zero company.

Supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals

We work to have a positive impact on all 17 UN SDGs. Under our climate action pillar we have identified four goals where we can make a significant difference:


How we are making it happen

Scaling up CCUS 

Finding ways to decarbonize the construction phase of a building’s lifecycle is critical to reaching the world’s climate targets. We are harnessing advanced technologies like carbon capture, utilization and storage, and have identified 17 flagship projects based on mature technologies, as well as robust partnerships and value chains. Each one is well positioned to become a net-zero cement plant.

Decarbonizing Holcim with alternative fuels

Replacing fossil fuels with alternative fuels, such as biomass and other materials at the end of their life, is one of the key levers of our net-zero journey. We continuously and systematically innovate to accelerate the use of alternative fuels and renewable energy in our cement sites. Our plants in Europe will operate with 90% alternative fuels by 2030.

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