
As part of Holcim’s corporate governance structure, three committees support and advise the Board of Directors in the following areas: Audit; Nomination, Compensation & Governance; and Health, Safety & Sustainability.

A corporate organization dedicated to three key areas

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee assists and advises the Board of Directors in conducting supervisory duties, particularly in relation to financial matters and internal control systems. The committee is responsible for:

  • Examining reporting submitted to the Board
  • Evaluating the Group’s internal and external audit procedures
  • Reviewing the Group’s risk management system
  • Assessing financing issues

The Audit Committee also supervises Holcim’s Ethics, Integrity & Risk Committee. Reporting directly to the Audit Committee, it is co-chaired by the Executive Committee member responsible for Human Resources and the Chief Legal and Compliance Officer. It oversees the Group’s risk assessment process to strengthen and enhance Group-wide compliance.

Download the Audit Committee charter

Nomination, Compensation & Governance Committee

The Nomination, Compensation & Governance Committee supports the Board of Directors in planning and preparing succession at the Board and senior management level. The Committee monitors developments with regards to corporate governance and is responsible for:

  • Advising on the compensation policy for the Board and Executive Committee
  • Deciding on targets and performance assessments in relation to the Chief Executive Officer
  • Informing the Board of Directors as a whole about decisions taken

Download the Nomination, Compensation & Governance Committee Charter

Health, Safety & Sustainability Committee

The Health, Safety & Sustainability Committee supports and advises the Board of Directors on health and safety for employees, contractors and third parties. It also covers sustainable development and social responsibility including human rights, labor issues and children’s rights.

The Committee is responsible for:

  • Monitoring company performance in terms of health, safety and environment, sustainability and social responsibility
  • Advising on resources and processes required to minimize or eliminate risks related to health, safety, environment, human rights and security
  • Supporting the development of a company culture focused on safety, sustainability and social responsibility
  • Recommending the inclusion of sustainable development and social responsibility matters in business models and strategy

Download the Health, Safety & Sustainability Committee Charter