Publication of the squeeze-out document and information relating to LafargeHolcim Ltd and Lafarge S.A.
In accordance with the provisions of article L. 621-8 of the French monetary and financial code and article 237-16 of its general regulations, the AMF has, in application of its declaraction of conformity of the squeeze-out dated 29 September 2015, affixed visa No. 15-507 dated 29 September 2015 on the squeeze-out document preapared jointly by LafargeHolcim Ltd and Lafarge S.A. concerning the squeeze-out relating to the shares of Lafarge S.A. (the “ Squeeze - Out") in exchange for a EUR 60 cash indemnification, net of costs, or as an alternative to the cash indemnification, a share indemnification, according to an exchange ratio of nine point forty-five (9.45) newly issued LafargeHolcim Ltd shares, for ten (10) Lafarge S.A. shares (the "Exchange Option")
In accordance with the provisions of article s 237-16 and 231-28 of the AMF’ s general regulations, information relating in particular to the legal, financial and accounting characteristics of Lafarge Holcim Ltd and Lafarge S.A. were filed with the AMF on 29 September 2015 and made available to the public as of 29 September 2015.
The squeeze -out document approved by the AMF and the information relating in particular to the legal, financial and accounting characteristics of Lafarge Holcim Ltd and Lafarge S.A. are available on the websites of the AMF, LafargeHolcim Ltd and Lafarge S.A.
This joint press release was prepared for information purpose only. This joint press release does not constitute an offer to the public nor is intended to be transmitted in any other country than France. The transmission of this joint press release, the Exchange Option, the exercise of the Exchange Option, and the exchange of Lafarge S.A. shares eligible for the Exchange Option for LafargeHolcim Ltd shares may be subject to specific regulations or restrictions in certain countries. The Exchange Option is not directed to any persons subject to such restrictions, neither directly nor indirec tly, and may not be accepted in any way from a country where the Exchange Option, the exercise of the Exchange Option, and the exchange of Lafarge S.A. shares eligible for the Exchange Option for LafargeHolcim Ltd shares would be subject to such restrictio ns. Consequently , persons in possession of this joint press release are responsible for informing themselves on potential applicable local restrictions and for complying with such restrictions . Lafarge S.A. and Lafarge Holcim Ltd accept no responsibility for any violation of such restrictions by any person.
- Media Release - English
- Media release - German
- Media release - French
- Update of Media release - English
- Update of Media release - German
- Update of Media release - French
- Squeeze out document - Erratum page - English
- Squeeze out document - Erratum page - French
- Squeeze out document for the shares of Lafarge - English
- Squeeze out document for the shares of Lafarge - French
- Other information document in relation to LafargeHolcim - English
- Other information document in relation to LafargeHolcim - French